June 2012

Monday, May 4, 2009


Great news! Reed's 5th tooth broke the skin this morning and the 6th will probably break the skin in the next couple days! He's getting so big!

OK, so recently, Tyson and I have been talking a lot about Reed's hair. Tyson really wants me to cut it and I am a bit more reluctant. It is getting pretty long, I will admit that. The top is not as curly as the back. However, it's all cute and curly in the back and I just love the curls! I know we will eventually cut his hair (probably in the next week or so is what I mean by eventually), but I just wanted to see what it was like done with curl product. I know, I'm a crazy mom who buys hair product for her 1-year-old BOY!!!! In my defense, I just wanted to see what it would look like....and.....I LOVED IT!!! I guess it stems from the fact that I don't have curly hair, and I love the little curls so much, I don't know. Below I have provided picture documentation so that you can best weigh your decision of Reed's curls. So, what do you think? Is this something I should keep up or should I just bite the bullet and cut Reed's hair again?


mama donk aubri jo said...

Adorable! But if you look at my boys you know I love boys with longer shaggy curly locks! Don't cut it!!! Someday Tyson will appreciate it, when he looks back at how cute his boys curls were :)

kristen said...

that is funny that you did his hair....you need a girl Janae. Little boys look SO cute with big boy haircuts, I think. Then you can let it grow out again to get more curls. Their hair grows so fast anyway.

La said...

Oh my goodness never cut it! It is too cute to cut off. Charlie has surfer boy long hair because I cannont bring myself to cut it. (Probably because Eden's hair took 3 years to get as long as his is now at 17mo.)

Jason said...

When my brother was little, he had the cutest curls, too. None of us wanted to cut them. I think my mom waited until the last possible moment. Keep 'em as long as you can:) Who knows if the hair will come back like that. Elisha

Rebecca R. Farnsworth said...

Need I remind you how ADORABLE curls are when you let a little guy keep them??? One word ought to do it:


YOU know who I'm talking about) and they cut his hair and it has never gotten that long and beautiful again. Keep the curls!

The Black Widow said...

I must warn you, if it is still long when in Vegas, Grandma might get a bit anxious with the sissors...