I completely forgot to mention that I ran a 5k with my friend on April 16th and it turned out pretty good. It didn't start to rain until after we had both finished - always a positive thing! Also, I finished in just over 31 minutes - not bad for being over 20 weeks pregnant and running hills for about half of the race. So, yes, I am proud of myself :) Sadly, Tyson forgot the camera in the car, so no picture. But, I do have the shirt to prove I was there :)
A month later, May 21st, we ran another one joined by another friend. This time it was so incredibly hot that I wished I had worn less clothes! I was not prepared for it to be hot, but that's what happens when it is spring in D.C. Needless to say, I was one month more pregnant and hot, so my time was not the greatest. I also start off way too fast and ended up getting cramps for a little bit. I did end up finishing first in my little group of ladies - yahoo :) It really is amazing how being one month more pregnant can make such a difference. Sadly, this is going to be my last race until post-baby. I am still exercising pretty consistently, just not really running on a treadmill anymore. Ah well - that's how it goes.
Just after I finished, I am in a blue shirt.
So, I didn't know I was being photographed - I look pretty awesome (sarcasm)!
Way to finish ladies! We did it :)
On Memorial Day (May 30th) Tyson did not have to work, so we decided to do something fun - go strawberry picking at Butler's Orchard! It was so much fun and both Reed and Eve got the hang of it! Reed was our faithful bucket carrier and berry picker while Eve mostly watched, picked a few berries, and took a bite out of a few of those. It ended up being super humid, yuck! Plus, you add in the (what seemed like) hundreds of crazed strawberry pickers into the mix, and it was just hot!
We did pick enough strawberries for me to make some homemade jam and have a few left over to munch on - yummy!
Reed was so happy to be holding the bucket.
Busy pickers
Ah, so cute!
Tired, hot, and happy - yahoo for fresh strawberries!
We also decided to head to CAFE RIO which is located in Maryland now! I am so glad that we had our GPS because it made it much easier to get there. Man, that is the taste I have been missing. I had the pulled pork salad and it was just perfect! Another bonus about Cafe Rio - kids under 6 get a free quesadilla! It was the perfect end to a very hot morning.
After naps we went over to my parents house and had dinner with them and my brother's family (Ryan, Barb, & Lillie). We ate, played games, and just had some fun. We also took time to remember those who have fought and are still fighting for our freedoms. I know that I take that for granted all too often.
Being Daddy
Reed loves his daddy (even when he doesn't act like it). He always asking about him and telling me how daddy does things, and attempting to do things like daddy. Well, here is an example:
Reed driving the truck the way that daddy does - complete with the correct glasses and everything!
I just thought it was so cute, funny, and just awesome! Our kids really do pick up on things we do. Hopefully, we are doing the right things :) Reed was so content to be daddy driving the truck. Luckily, no keys were in the truck, so it could not be started. He kept asking for them because he wanted to actually drive the truck like daddy. We reminded him that he has to wait until he is 16. (He has tried telling me that he is no longer 3 and is 16. He also reminds me that means he can drive the truck! Funny kid!) Gotta love kids :)