Eve, like Reed, has gained about 10 ounces a week! That puts her at 11 pounds! She has gained 5 pounds since she was born. Seriously?! What happened to my little 6-pound infant? Nope, she is definitely a baby now. So here are the stats on little (but getting bigger) Eve:
Weight - 11 lbs., 50%
Height - 23 in., 75%
Head - 15 1/8 in. , 50%
Yep, that's right - I have a tall girlie! Yahoo!!!! I hope that she stays that way. My hope is that all of my children will be taller than me. It's not hard to beat, since I am 5 foot 4 inches, but one of my grandma's is slightly under 5 feet, so you never know! We are hoping all of our kids get the tall genes on both sides.
Sort of related, since it is about Eve, is just a random question to the moms out there. Did you have a baby that was SO MUCH SLEEPIER than others? Eve has been so sleepy since birth. I know she has done tons of growing, so that is understandable. But, she always seems to be more sleepy when it is cold outside - ok, colder than normal winter cold. I mean, I know she is fine and is just sleepy, but seriously....she is so sleepy today! Usually, she can make it about 2 hours at a time during the day, but this morning she barely made it 1 1/2 hours and after her morning nap she barely made it an hour before falling into this super deep sleep. Weird.....I know I should not complain, but it is just weird to me. I guess I only have Reed to compare her to. He was up for 2 hours at a time and napped at certain times every day without me trying to keep him awake too many times. Anyways, just wondering.
A lot of people say that Eve looks so much like Reed. I think they look like siblings, for sure, but exactly alike? I don't see it. I guess I see all the differences since I saw both of them as infants. What do you think? Here are some pictures of the little lady :) Enjoy!