Eve seems to be doing everything about 2 months faster than Reed did. I think it is partly because she has an older brother to chase after and partly because she is a girl. I really don't know if it's true that girls develop faster than boys, but in my experience it has proven true.
Here are the stats of little Eve at 9 months:
Weight: 19 lbs., 13 oz. - 70%
Height: 28 in. - 55%
Head Circumferece: 17 1/2 in. - 50%
She is also doing lots of fun stuff: crawling up a storm, pulling up on everything, picking grubs up all over the floor (I always think the floor is clean until Eve finds all these grubs), babbling like crazy, laughing all the time, teething (at least 2 teeth, but I think 4), loves to fed herself, and loves bath time with Reed.
She is such a sweet little baby. I guess she is almost not a baby anymore. I feel like she is looking more and more like a little girl. Aaaahhhh! It's all happening so fast!
I have really loved getting to know her little personality. She is naturally such a happy and positive person. It's interesting to compare Reed and Eve - both have such good natures, just different. Reed was such a calm, contented, and happy baby. Eve is so spirited, giggly, and happy. It really is a nice combination to have both of these personalities together. They get along famously!
In other news, we went to Old Navy recently to get another white church shirt (I had a coupon....yahoo!) and also ended up with a pair of cheap sun glasses. Sadly, my sun glasses from NY have broken a few times and just seem to keep breaking. So, we picked up a pair and, of course, had to take some modeling shots! Enjoy :)
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