June 2012

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

No Dairy, No Soy

So, it happened again. I found blood and mucus in Eve's stool. At first, I thought it may have been the cashews I had eaten the day before (when I looked on the package it said that it was processed where milk had been). That was on April 30th. Then, last night, there was another similar dirty diaper. I figured I would call the doctor in the morning. Then, this morning, there was another similar dirty diaper. That's when I actually called the doctor and made an appointment to see the Nurse Practitioner who specializes in things like this.

Eve still shows no sign of distress. She is as happy as ever. Also, her weight gain is still good - she weighed in at 15 lbs. 0 oz. today! But, I could deny the other signs - mucus and a little bit of blood. We went to the doctor.

The nurse was actually EXTREMELY helpful. She has a 6-month old who has the same allergies. Basically, most kids who are allergic to dairy are allergic to soy as well. Turns out, those are the two biggest proteins and the two hardest for little babies to digest. So, she was not surprised that Eve was back again.

My question was, why did her diapers go back to normal for a while? The nurse explained that it was the same with the milk protein. At first, Eve didn't show any reaction to milk. Then, over time, she showed the symptoms of being allergic. With soy, it was the same thing. At first, she showed no symptoms, but the more she was exposed to it, the more she showed signs of being allergic.

What does that mean for me? No soy. Dang it - I just bought chocolate soy milk yesterday and had a glass last night. Ah well. I just have read the labels even more now. I was just getting used to what brands have dairy and what brands don't, but now it is back to square one. I know that I can do no dairy, so I am thinking no soy should be just fine. It can't be that much harder, right?

We will try it out and see how the next 2 weeks go. I go back for another check to make sure there is no more mucus/blood in her diapers. Wish us luck!


mama donk aubri jo said...

sad baby girl, that is never fun! you should try coconut milk, you can find it anywhere there is a natural food section, I don't even know what grocery stores you have there. It is pretty good and they have flavors. keifer is a good brand and they make ice cream products and stuff all with no dairy or soy. it is supposed to be really good for you and help you. try it :) good luck!

dannii said...

try chocolate almond milk - killer. i hope little eve outgrows it all quickly and this is the last of the allergies. just think about how trim you'll be too with no dairy or soy in your diet! haha. thanks for the update and being so open about it so if it happens to any of us we'll know what to do. :)

Anonymous said...

What a bummer! That's going to be so tricky at first (no soy either!), but I know it'll just be a new habit for ya. Good luck!

Família Tabosa said...

que bom que Eve esta bem... é só uma alergia...
FELIZ DIA DAS MÃES !!! seja muito feliz

amkoch2 said...

I feel your pain, I have a 5 month old allergic to milk and soy. And man do they put soy in everything!