The month of October was quite a festive one for Reed and I (Tyson had some fun as well, but most of the stuff was done while he was at work.). I have joined my ward's play group (even though Reed is still a little young and not super interested in playing with the other kids for long periods of time) and we did some Halloween-centered activities that were pretty fun.
One of the big activities was going to a pumpkin patch in Germantown, MD! It was quite a drive from my house, but a lot of fun. Actually, when I got there, had gotten Reed all ready (changed his diaper, put him in his stroller) and was walking up to where I thought was the pumpkin patch, but apparently, I was mistaken. The lady told me that you had to drive up the hill and then there was another parking lot. (I couldn't figure out why she didn't tell me and the other 10 parents that did the same thing as me that before we had gotten our kids all ready). So, I got all the stuff and Reed back in the car and went up the hill to the right parking lot. Then, I got all ready again and was going to meet my friends by the tractor that takes us on a hay ride. Well, it just so happened that I arrived right behind 4 buses of school children! So, the play group was already in line and thus, I thought I was not going to be able to ride on the hay ride by myself (well, with a bunch of kindergarteners!), but it turns out another girl from the play group showed up when I did and we went together :) So, we stood in line for our turn on the hay and Reed experienced his first hay ride being pulled by a cool, green tractor. He was a little unimpressed, but loved the attention from all the kids! After the hay ride, we went and picked a pumpkin and Reed was very good at holding his little pumpkin. The whole time it was really windy, so he was not super excited about that, but loved the hay and the pumpkins! We rode back with all of our friends and then got 2 apples! Reed always loves apples and sucked the juice right out of mine! Lastly, we down some slides! This is another first for Reed. We got potato sacks and I sat down with Reed in my lap and we went down, down, down! After that we made the journey home because it was just too windy!
Our next big activity was the play group Halloween party! All the kids dressed up and everything! The lady who put it on had all these activities for the kids to do and even made a whole bunch of Halloween-inspired treats (bone breadsticks was my favorite). I made jack-o-lantern plates and hung them on my sliding glass door. Reed actually found two friends that are within a month of his age! It was amazing to see how they all are doing almost all the same things! Reed is the youngest by a couple weeks, but they just sat and chatted with each other while chewing on a bunch of toys. It was funny :) Then, we decided to take group pictures! I do have to say that Reed was the only baby (besides the ones in car seats) that stayed still and sitting up the whole time (that's my baby)!!! He was a bit confused with all the flashes going off, but he did so good.
The next evening ward Halloween party. Since Tyson does not really like to dress up, I did not really prepare a costume, but still wanted to dress up. I am still trying to convince him that we should dress up together. Who knows if it will ever happen. I love dressing up for Halloween, so maybe I can eventually convince him to dress up with me. It was actually a really busy day and I ended up making some train cakes for the cake walk. I also wanted to decorate them all cute and so that took place of me getting a real costume together. I ended up just putting on all black, crimping my hair a little, and putting lots of black eye liner on my eyes and lips. So, there ya go. The 5-minute costume. Reed was the pumpkin, of course :), and Tyson went in his work clothes. It was quite the event. When we showed up the cake walk was going on, there was a spook alley (young men put that one together), a fishing pond, food, and a fake fire in the middle of the room. We did a little costume parade and then the kids went trunk-or-treating. All-in-all a fun evening. Reed found one of his friends and played for a bit and then went back to chewing on cups. Oh, one funny thing was that Reed was on the gym floor and saw the black lines for the basketball court. Well, apparently he thought they were more than lines because he kept trying to pick them up! It was so cute :) He fell asleep on the way home and his hat fell perfectly in front of his face, so of course, we took a picture.
On actual Halloween day we had a few events as well. Our leasing office had a little party with pizza and cupcakes. So, we went and there was a pretty poor turn-out. It's interesting because right before the kids party there was a party for pets and owners, and there was a bigger turn-out for that party. It's interesting how some people have chosen to replace kids with pets. It just makes me wonder and get a little sad sometimes. But, anyways, the pizza was great and Reed loved the orange plates! Our neighbors (who happen to be in our ward as well) dressed their kids up as the 3 Little Pigs. The dad was the Big Bad Wolf and the mom was Little Red Riding Hood! It was so cute! One day.....maybe. Tyson actually got off work when normal people do that day and met us at the office. Then, we went to find a place to have a hamburger. Tyson's family has this tradition of always having a hamburger on Halloween. So, we had to keep it going :) I must say they were good, but not as good as homemade. Sadly, we only had two trick-or-treaters. It's hard being in an apartment complex because the kids don't know if you are going to have candy or what. But, ah well. Any body want any candy? I hate having it around me all day because I just end up eating it! So, our Halloween experiences were pretty fun this year. Next year we are actually going to take Reed trick-or-treating, since he will at least be able to eat it by then!
Just a side note. Grandma Walker sent Reed a candy corn tie (Tyson calls it his acorn tie - yeah, that's Tyson) and we have some pictures on here of him wearing it. He has worn it for four weeks in a row and still gets great comments about the tie! Thanks Grandma Walker! We love you!

The hay ride!

Reed's pumpkin

He loved it!

He stole my apple!

The tractor that pulled us on our hay ride

We went to a rec center party with some friends and found a photo op!

The candy corn tie!

We tried his hat on just to make sure it fit. He kinds looks like a French boy.

He did such a good job sitting the entire time!

Play group friends!

Finally, kids my age (well, the little girl is)!

My 5-minute costume with the cutest pumpkin ever

No words needed!

This cup is so good!

The parade -I loved the organic banana :)

Our leasing office Halloween party!

Our neighbors

When Reed fell asleep - this is just how his hat fell!

He loves pumpkins.

We tried to make the jack-o-lantern the same as Reed's costume - pretty good, I think :)

Awww - giving the pumpkin loves!

Halloween is the best!