On Sunday, April 27, Reed was blessed! I do have to say that he was the best dressed of anyone there!Can you beat a suit with a satin cumber bun and tie! Not to mention that his coat has tails! I will have to get a better picture of the back to show them off :) The blessing was so amazing! I am very grateful that there is a worthy Priesthood holder in my home! My sister, Shauntelle, and her family were able to come up from Vegas! Also, my brother, Michael, and his family were able to come down from Logan! Tyson's family was able to stay the whole weekend and his aunt and her family were able to come from Spanish Fork area :) It was a beautiful day!
These past few weeks have been busy and tons of fun! On April 24-25 Tyson graduated with his Master's degree in Accounting (MAcc). I'm so glad that he is finished! He is as well :) Being the crazy new mom that I am, I was desperate to find a matching cap and gown for little Reed. I looked everywhere for a gown, but no one had them. I thought the bookstore might, but no luck, and I searched everywhere online. Then, I a girl in my ward emailed the phone number of a lady in Provo that rents them out. So, the day before graduation I found Reed a matching cap and gown! I was so excited and even more excited when she had a matching tassel! Isn't he just the cutest thing in the world! I am definitely a proud mom :) The graduation was long, but great! Tyson's family got to come. My parents also flew in! It was fun to see everyone! Tyson was just happy that it was all done with!
When we took Reed into the Doctor at his 4-week appointment we found out some amazing news! He gained 23 ounces in 15 days!!!! He weighed 9 pounds 2 ounces :) Well, I guess he's getting enough to eat :) I always worry about that, but am always reassured that he is eating enough! Well, that was 3 weeks ago, so I am assuming he is at least 10 pounds by now, if not close to 11 now :) He's growing so big! This is the picture of him on the scale at the doc's office :) Next is his cute little bath - I just think he looks so cute :) Lastly, we have what I call a sleep sack - it's simply amazing! Thanks Barb and Ryan! We love you!
My sleep sack is amazing! Thanks Barb & Ryan!
Great post Janae!
All pictures are really nice. Reed and Tyson look so cute in the graduation dress.
Congrats Tyson!
He is seriously so cute! I absolutely love the picture of him with the cap and gown. It was worth the effort to find it. It was fun to have your family at church. They seem awesome!
Yeah for graduation! We miss it out there, but I guess you guys will soon be here to join us in Maryland. Reed is looking cuter than ever! When will you guys be here?
That cap and gown outfit looks so stinkin cute! Reed is adorable. Congrats my friend!
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