I promise there is a reason for the number titling this post. First, 62. On the 21st of November my dad turned 62! It's weird because I used to think that 62 was "so old." But, the older I get, the younger and younger 62 sounds.
We had my parents, Barb, Ryan, and Jared for dinner. I made ribs (so delicious) and a salad, Barb brought these yummy potatoes and dessert, and my mom brought rolls. The dinner was awesome! The company was awesome! All-in-all, a great night.
Barb made a homemade apple pie and made a 62 out of the crust. It was pretty sweet. We spent the evening chatting and just having fun. Happy Birthday, Dad! I love you!!

Blowing out the candle (no, there were not 62 of them).

Happy Birthday!!!
On November 23rd Eve turned 11 months! I am really freaking out now because this past year seemed to be here and gone in an instant! It is hard to believe that my little baby girl is going to be 1 on December 23rd! She is progressing and growing like crazy :) Just some of the things she is doing at 11 months:
* crawling like mad
* pulling up on everything
* walking along couches, furniture, and holding our fingers
* favorite song: Hello Song (Children's Songbook p. 260) - she loves when Reed sings it and she will usually wave her hand along with him
* waves for hello, good-bye, and bye-bye
* says, "Hi" and I think "yeah"
* laughs and smiles all the time
* signs "more," "finished, " and (almost) "please"
* grunts and points a lot if she needs something to drink at meal time
* amazed by new things every day
* loves to take things in and out
* eats almost all real people food (she does notice the difference and is only truly satisfied when she has what we have)
* almost exclusively feeds herself (unless it is the occasional jar of food)
* loves her mommy, daddy, and big brother a lot!
* can almost stand by herself, but doesn't like to
Love you little miss!
Lastly, 25. Thanksgiving was on November 25th! I totally failed and did not take any pictures :(. But, we had an excellent Thanksgiving!
We drove to CT and stayed with Justin, Megan, and family. I have decided that the 95 is the worst road ever! It doesn't matter if you are driving to Richmond or CT, there is always bad traffic, accidents, bottle necks, and it is just never easy to sit in traffic and wait. We left for their house Tuesday night, thinking that it would be a lot faster. Well, it probably was, but there was still tons of traffic and an accident. Ah well - we ended up getting to their about 3:15 a.m. and tried to sleep for a bit, but Eve (since she was woken up going from the car to the house) decided that it was time to be awake. I rocked her for a while, tried laying with her, she dozed for a while, and fell asleep probably around 5:30 a.m. I was pretty tired!
Tiredness aside, the trip was awesome! I love visiting Justin ad Megan - such fun and great people! I hope we get to visit more often. We spent the rest of the week making food, shopping, playing games, talking, and even want to see "Tangled" the Friday after Thanksgiving. I love that movie - so cute, and I totally have a T.V. star crush on Zachary Levi (plays Chuck on "Chuck") who happened to be the voice of Flynn Rider. We all loved it! Plus, I bought left-handed scissors! I am pretty excited because I think part of the reason I don't cut straight is because I always use my right hand instead of my left. So, we shall see - re-learning how to cut should be interesting!
Thanksgiving Day was filled with good food - turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, green gravy, rolls, cranberry sauce, sweet potatoes, green beans, and even a little sparkling cider! Some friends of Justin and Megan came up with their kids, the huband's brother, and his old roommate; Megan's brother and his wife came up; and our family! We all enjoyed our meal, good conversation, and of course we played a game after we were done.
The kids got to go in the back yard and find an egg that had some change in it. They also got to find a toy that had been hidden in the leaves. Reed LOVED it! He was so excited about the whole thing.
The adults played a "thankful" version of the Celebrity game (where you put names in a bowl and then act them out for your team). We had to write 10 things we were thankful for. It ended up being really fun and funny. What a great day!
Reed loves his cousins! He loves to play with big kids, but really took to Michelle this time. Michelle is almost 1 year older than Reed - so they played awesome together. :) He was really sad when we had to leave and still talks about his cousins. I guess that's how I know he really likes someone - talking about them when they are gone.
All too soon it was Saturday morning and we had to head back South. Tyson had to do tithing settlement and I had to sing in a trio on Sunday. So, we got packed, got snacks and gas and were on the road by 11 a.m. It was supposed to be about 6 1/2 hours, so that is what I was prepared for, but it took much longer. We didn't end up getting home to 8 p.m. We were all tired, cranky, and just ready to be home. There was traffic and accidents all along the way. But, we made it home safely and have never slept so good!
Happy Thanksgiving!!

Reed made various turkey crafts during this holiday season. Here are some turkey hands we made at the playgroup the Friday before Thanksgiving. We put a bunch of glue in the middle and he poured split peas, corn, noodles, and black-eyed peas on them (all dried of course).