Head circumference - 40.5 cm, 66%; Length - 23.2 in, 68%; Weight - 12 lb 6 oz, 65%
All-in-all..he is doing great! I figured it out and since his 2 week appointment, Reed has gained a little over 10 ounces a week! From what I have read, the regular amount to gain is 6-8 ounces...so, Reed just really likes to eat! He is fabulous! I love being a mom! Recently, he has really started talking to us! It's so fun! He makes a noise and then we do it back, then he does it back! He talked to me for 10 minutes the other day! He has chuckled a few times and just loves to smile! He is such a happy little boy :) I love it! I will try and get a video of him talking...it's just so cute! Yes, you can totally tell that I am a first-time mom! I soak up everything that my child does!In other news, Reed has worn a suit to church for the past 2 Sundays! (Thanks Grandma Rowberry). He is definitely the best dressed there and is such a heart breaker. Here are some photos of his amazing little suit! This is week one -
"I'm trying to do my stone face, but it's a little hard because I don't know what that looks like."
"I'm still a little confused as to what is going on!"
"Hey! How are you? Can I play?"

So, Reed really loves his sleep and trying to wake him up is not always the funnest thing in the world. This is just an example - he starts to wiggle and grunt and averts his eyes from my direction. It makes me laugh, so I had to take a picture just to remember how hard he tries to stay asleep some times :)
So, Reed really loves his sleep and trying to wake him up is not always the funnest thing in the world. This is just an example - he starts to wiggle and grunt and averts his eyes from my direction. It makes me laugh, so I had to take a picture just to remember how hard he tries to stay asleep some times :)