Where did the months go? It seems like time is speeding by and I have a million things to do. My poor blog has definitely taken a back seat. My goal for the summer to keep it updated with pictures of my beautiful family and fun experiences we have together. It just takes time - I know, I know. Anyways, here is what we did:
February 13, 2013 - I have been getting these emails from Freebies2Deals and just happened upon the announcement that Jamba Juice was selling their smoothies (I believe the original size, or maybe the junior size) for $1! Yeah, I hopped on that and told Grandma Walker and Aunt Kimber. We all had our morning smoothies. Fantastic!
Reed and Eve made Valentine's for classmates and some cousins. I chose owls this year. So cute - "Whoo's the best?" and then when you open up the card it says, "You are!" Reed did all of his own writing for his classmate's valentines. We also made valentines for the grandparents (apparently, I forgot to take a picture- boo!). I measured their arms and then we put their hands (traced, not actual) on the each end and called it a hug. It was adorable :)
We played at Aunt Kimber's house for a bit and Kade and Aria had a blast! Those two just love hanging out. Such cute kiddos!
Eve also liked to jump in with them to be the mom and help them do things. Her nature is definitely that of a helper/nurterer. She is a sweet girl. :)
She also just likes having her picture taken.
February 15- 18, 2013 - The kids and I took a road trip to Gilbert, AZ. Tyson was still busy with "busy season" so it was best for us to get out of the house. I was a little nervous to travel all by myself with the kiddos (especially driving), but it ended up being just fine. They watched movies, I drove, we stopped for food/bathroom, and made it in one piece.
One of Reed's best friends from VA moved there a month after we moved to Las Vegas. Taryn and Reed are two peas in a pod. They have been playing since they met. When I arrived on Friday night, they played like they lived next door. I love that their friendship is still there, even though we live far away now.
Arizona had some beautiful weather while we were there. I loved being warm in February - so much better than February in Virginia.
Taryn's 5 birthday party was Saturday, so we had to be a part of it. We played at the neighborhood park, ate yummy food, and just chatted away. I am also good friends with Taryn's mom, Jana, so we all loved it! I miss having them close. Jana and I were even able to have a little girl time and go shopping, eat frozen yogurt, and just chat. Love it :)
We left Monday and headed back to Las Vegas. The kids were sad to say goodbye, but we had to go. We did take some pictures of our crazy kiddos before leaving.
Left to Right: Taryn, Nyah, Maylie, Aria, Reed, Eve |
The only down side to the trip was that Nyah ended up getting pink eye. We tried to be careful, but all my kids ended up getting pink eye a week later. It was one right after the other: first Eve, then, Reed, then Aria. Luckily, I never got it and Tyson was safe as well.
February 21, 2013 - We took a trip to Target and Reed snapped a cute photo of Aria!
February 27, 2013 - We had a gift card to Sweet Addiction and I decided to take the kids for ice cream. Busy season had been pretty brutal on all involved and ice cream definitely made us all feel better, except Tyson who was still working an insane amount of hours.