April 19th and 20th were BYU's graduation days. We had a full house of graduates from our family: my sister, Kristy, her husband, James, and Tyson's brother, Jared. So, we headed on up to Provo, UT on Thursday night after Tyson got off work.
We were able to attend the college graduation on Friday and luckily, they all graduated from the Marriott school, so we hit all 3 graduations at one time! Phew! Actually, all 3 of them walked within almost a minute of each other because of last names - Walker and Wilcox (my sister's new last name) - too bad we had to wait until the end of the whole things because W is at the end of the alphabet. Ah well - the kids got restless by the end, but that was expected. They did a pretty good job.
After some pictures with Tyson's family and my family (of course, I didn't actually take any with my camera - need to get some of those), we headed off to the Brick Oven for lunch with James, Kristy, my parents, and James' family. It was delicious and I just had to get some homemade root beer (it's so good - maybe it's the frosty mug that it comes in). It was nice to be able to chat with Kristy and James since I literally only met him in the sealing room when they got married and that was pretty much the last time we talked. I just can't believe that little Kristy is all grown up, married, and has a Bachelor's degree! Crazy how the time flies. I guess other people can grow up, too - it's just weird because she will always be my little sister and maybe around 18 years old. But, alas, she is almost 26, so I guess she is allowed to be doing grown-up stuff. :)
We dropped off some boxes that we brought up for a different Christy and then headed to Kristy and James' house to play some games and relax until dinner at the park.
My parents got some sandwiches from Costco and we headed there to play and eat. I got to see some cousins that I had not seen in a while and the kids loved being at the park.
Saturday we spent with Tyson's family and we went to the Hogle Zoo! The kids were so excited to go and see all the animals. It was definitely a hit - the zoo always is. The kids loved looking at the animals!
Reed's favorite thing, however, was riding the train through the zoo (I'm not at all surprised that that was his favorite thing). He got so giddy and excited and followed directions to the 'T' and made sure that everyone else knew that they were supposed to wait and stand in a certain place. Oh man, it was just so cute and funny to see how excited he was.
Eve's favorite animals were definitely the monkeys/gorillas. She kept going back to look at them. She would just stare and stare - just trying to take it all in. She also loved the giraffe. I am pretty sure that's the first giraffe she's ever seen (the National Zoo doesn't have giraffes - I know, weird!).
We went out to Red Lobster where Aria showed us what her favorite animal was - a lobster. The waiter brought around a live lobster and talked about it. The kids were allowed to touch him, but most of them were pretty scared. Aria was the first one brave enough to touch it and she even smiled when she did it. She went back for more touches and loved it!
After that we dropped by Adam's brother's house for a quick hello and then went to our hotel, exhausted. What a fun, crazy, and fast trip it was - we came back home on Sunday.
I didn't take many pictures on the trip, but managed to remember the camera at the zoo - so here are some of the adventures at the zoo:
Elephants |
Always a favorite |
Reed watching the train pull up |
He almost couldn't contain his excitement |
Posing nice for the picture |
This is who was sitting behind us |
Reed somehow managed to switch spots and get in both pictures. Notice Aria staring at Jared and Beckie - I think she loves them. |
Eve was a Grandpa's girl this whole day |
Kade and Kimber |
Eve and Grandpa by the giraffe |
Grandma wanted pictures of all the grand kids by the elephant that made funny noises. I was included because Aria would only let me hold her at the time. Here are the ones we got:
Kimber wanted her boys on the elephant:
Aria wouldn't let me put her on the elephant, so I ended up with Reed and Eve:
As we were leaving the kids loved touching and trying to spin the spinning globe (It's on water):