June 2012

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Unpacking in April

 That is pretty much what I did in April - unpack. I had to find places to put things and figure out how to organize my house (which is a completely different shape than my apartment). I am still not 100% done because it just takes so long to truly organize things the way that I want them. But, it is definitely mostly done.  I am finding that as I stay in a place for a little while, I begin to see where things can fit and where they will look good to me. It's a little exciting, kind of frustrating, and amazing - I feel all grown-up. I guess after 3 kids, being married for almost 6 years, and almost being 30, I can feel grown-up. It still seems a little weird that all the things previously mentioned are true, but yet, it is so very normal for me. Weird....life is most definitely a time warp.

Reed got the camera again and he is getting pretty good at getting people/whatever he is trying to take a picture of in the shots (usually he takes pictures of people). His muse on April 16th was Aria in her bebe pod on the kitchen table. I am thinking that for his next birthday maybe we can get him a cheap camera and give him some basic photography lessons from a family friend, Christy. We shall see.

What's funny about Aria when the camera turns on is that she is not shy or bashful in the least! She is my most clingy/shy/bashful baby yet, so it is funny that she loves the camera so much. She loves it so much that she will not do her normal head-in-mommy's-shoulder when the camera is on. I am hoping that one day we will catch it, but I doubt it. She just loves the camera!

First shot

Aria LOVES the camera

I love the stunned look 

Eating something

Attention on something else

There's the camera again

Still staring 

Had to look away 

We got a smile :) 

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