Our last 2 days of the 5 senses were awesome! Here's what we did:
March 5, 2012 - Today we learned about our sense of sight. We talked about our eyes, the different things we might see, and read a Magic School Bus book about the senses. We played lots of games. and made some really cool stuff.
For our game I put a lot of different objects on a tray. The kids had to hide their eyes while I took something away. Then, they had to tell me which object was missing. They got it right every time! Smart kiddos!
We also got out magnifying glasses (I forgot to take a picture because we were just having that much fun) and looked at a bunch of different objects (crayons, orange peels, coins, plastic bugs) I had one big magnifying glass and then gave the kids their own. It was a hit!
We also glued googly eyes on our paper to remind us that our eyes help us to see.
Another fun craft we did was to make a pair of glasses using pipe cleaners. Whew! What a busy and fun preschool day!
March 7, 2012 - Wrap-up to the 5 senses was another fun-filled preschool day. We made the letter X out of sticks and velcro. I still think that is an awesome idea. Now, if I could find sticks that are curvy, that would be amazing! Then, I could make all the letters!
We did a few fun activities to quickly go over sense of smell and sense of taste (they were more fully covered at someone else's house). I had a bunch of different things in cups for the kids to smell. They each smelled it and guessed what it was. I put pineapple juice, ketchup, mustard, apple cider vinegar, and apple juice. They got almost all of them right!
For our sense of taste, we had a bunch of different things to taste: fruit snacks, sugar, salt, honey, and others. They had to tell us what it was and if they liked it. Another hit! This is why the 5 senses are awesome - everything is a hit!
We also made little packets to put our papers in. The kids got to color each of the pictures representing the 5 senses and glue them on the front. Inside went each page we had done for the 5 different senses.
I think it turned out amazing! Another week of preschool done - it was awesome, fun, and tiring. :)
The cover |
This is for sense of taste |
This is for sense of smell. We sprayed perfume on it when they were finished coloring and gluing! |