Monday, February 23, 2009
It arrived!!!
So, here comes a short post (weird for me, I know). One of Reed's top teeth broke the skin today! Yeah little man! (the other one will probably come soon since it is already all red and puffy). Oh, and just yesterday he sort of started grinding his teeth. Does anyone know what I should do about that?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Parks, Pianos, and Racing
I can't believe that February is almost over - it has just flown by. There have been many exciting things in just the past couple of weeks. First of all, I actually ran in a 10K on Valentine's morning! It was another first for me in preparation for the half-marathon I am running in March. I ended up running the whole 6.2 miles in 57:07 minutes! I was very proud of myself because that is definitely a PR (personal record). I think I ran about a 9:20 mile. So, that was awesome for me :) I want to thank my loyal supporters Tyson, Reed, and Dad! They were cheering me on throughout those 6.2 miles.
Well, the rest of Valentine's was awesome as well! We went to Ryan and Barb's (my bro and sis-in-law) house after the race and just hung out for a while. It is always nice to see them - they are so fun :) For dinner we went to Thai food which has become a little tradition of ours. My meal actually came in half a pineapple! It looked pretty sweet! We had Stake Conference (I still don't know why they chose Valentine's weekend) and I played for a musical number. So, that was our evening. We did watch Superman Returns - my Valentine's gift to Tyson. He really loves Superman :) Tyson sent me flowers the day before Valentine's Day! I loved that they were in bud form, so we are still enjoying the tulips! Pink, Red, and white, some of the best colors in the world. Reed actually got a Valentine's present from Grandma Rowberry, and I think Tyson is a little envious of it. It is a Superman/Batman cape! It's pretty awesome, I won't lie. Reed likes it, but is not really sure what it is yet. However, it will get many years of use, I am sure! Thanks Grandma Rowberry!
In other news, Reed and I were able to go to the park a few times already! Yeah! We both love being outside, and it's a place where Reed can practice going up and down stairs (since we don't have any). We have a little park right by our house, which is way fun. Reed loves the slide, the stairs, and the wood chips :) He could stay for hours probably, if he didn't get hungry. We also went to a park near a friend's house that had swings! Reed thought the swings were so much fun! Again, if he never had to eat, he would have stayed all day long!
Tyson has not been home much this month! It is, after all, busy season for all in the accounting world. So, he usually only sees Reed in the morning. But, on the occasional time when Tyson is not at work (mostly just Sundays), he gets to play with Reed, read with him, and even play the piano with him! It is so much fun!
In a little bit of sad news, I have had to say good bye to a dear friend! For those you who know me, you know that I love friends :) One of my favorite friends is CHOCOLATE! I just love it. Chocolate has seen me through many good, bad, and ugly occasions. Chocolate is always there. But, I decided that since I am trying to be as healthy as possible and train for this half-marathon, I could make it without chocolate for one month. This week was week number 1. I did well and found a more healthy variety of snacks. But, Chocolate, don't worry, you will be sorely missed. At least you are not gone forever :)

The tulips are just beautiful, aren't they?!
Reed and his Superman/Batman cape pushing his Tonka truck (his favorite)
Hey Mom! I can almost fly!
How cool is that cape?!! (I will also take a picture of the Batman side)
Piano time with Daddy..... nothing gets much better!
My Valentine's meal!
A loyal fan :) Thanks, Dad!
My most loyal fans :)
Contrary to the picture, I actually felt really good at the end of the race.
Here I come - I can't believe that I did it!
Reed is so proud of himself for climbing those stairs!
I love this toothy grin :)
OK Mom, I am ready to go down the slide!
Just exploring.....
The stairs
Our little playground
Reed and the wood chips
This swinging thing is pretty cool!
Do it again!
Reading time with Daddy!
Well, the rest of Valentine's was awesome as well! We went to Ryan and Barb's (my bro and sis-in-law) house after the race and just hung out for a while. It is always nice to see them - they are so fun :) For dinner we went to Thai food which has become a little tradition of ours. My meal actually came in half a pineapple! It looked pretty sweet! We had Stake Conference (I still don't know why they chose Valentine's weekend) and I played for a musical number. So, that was our evening. We did watch Superman Returns - my Valentine's gift to Tyson. He really loves Superman :) Tyson sent me flowers the day before Valentine's Day! I loved that they were in bud form, so we are still enjoying the tulips! Pink, Red, and white, some of the best colors in the world. Reed actually got a Valentine's present from Grandma Rowberry, and I think Tyson is a little envious of it. It is a Superman/Batman cape! It's pretty awesome, I won't lie. Reed likes it, but is not really sure what it is yet. However, it will get many years of use, I am sure! Thanks Grandma Rowberry!
In other news, Reed and I were able to go to the park a few times already! Yeah! We both love being outside, and it's a place where Reed can practice going up and down stairs (since we don't have any). We have a little park right by our house, which is way fun. Reed loves the slide, the stairs, and the wood chips :) He could stay for hours probably, if he didn't get hungry. We also went to a park near a friend's house that had swings! Reed thought the swings were so much fun! Again, if he never had to eat, he would have stayed all day long!
Tyson has not been home much this month! It is, after all, busy season for all in the accounting world. So, he usually only sees Reed in the morning. But, on the occasional time when Tyson is not at work (mostly just Sundays), he gets to play with Reed, read with him, and even play the piano with him! It is so much fun!
In a little bit of sad news, I have had to say good bye to a dear friend! For those you who know me, you know that I love friends :) One of my favorite friends is CHOCOLATE! I just love it. Chocolate has seen me through many good, bad, and ugly occasions. Chocolate is always there. But, I decided that since I am trying to be as healthy as possible and train for this half-marathon, I could make it without chocolate for one month. This week was week number 1. I did well and found a more healthy variety of snacks. But, Chocolate, don't worry, you will be sorely missed. At least you are not gone forever :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
This is what happens.....
This video makes me laugh every time. Reed is just a very determined little boy. Also, he does not always see the easiest option, but instead goes for the one that he can see. Instead of going around something, he climbs and goes over it to get to something else that he wants! That is definite determination :)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Reed has got some moves
In January we had a bit of a snow storm. It was pretty crazy - snowing all day. Then, the next day it was raining and sleeting. Yeah, tons of fun. One of the days, I did not even leave the house (except for my 6:30 am jog on a treadmill). Anyways, after the snow slowed down, I decided to take Reed out for his first real adventure in snow. He mostly liked it and just looked around. When we was crawling in the snow, he hated it. He also hated putting everything on to go outside. But, all-in-all, it was fun :) I did have to take most of the pictures upside down, since Reed was holding my hands to walk in the snow. But, they actually turned out pretty cool! In other news, check out the fun videos at the bottom of this post :) I am trying to post at least one video with each blog now - until I run out of videos. Enjoy!
Reed's new thing is dancing! Every time he hears music he starts to bounce up and down. His favorite song thus far is "Crush" by David Archuleta (We love are little Utah boy). Check out this video! This boy already has some awesome moves!
Reed has become an excellent crawler! Now, he can crawl forwards and backwards (although, I don't think that is displayed in the video). He even crawls super fast when he gets excited or really wants to get somewhere (like in the fridge when I open it).
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