The Monday before Halloween (October 29th), we all went to Grandma Walker's home for a Halloween FHE. We had a pumpkin-shaped pizza for dinner and then we carved pumpkins. They got each of the kids their own pumpkin to carve. Then we carved our pumpkins - taking out the seeds and gunk (and saving the seeds to bake! yummy!). My kids did pretty good and not being grossed out at the slimy bits of pumpkin (such a proud mommy).
After everyone was done, we lined up the pumpkins and took pictures. Obviously (as shown below), my camera does not take stellar night pictures, but it looked awesome!! Happy Halloween!
On Halloween (aka Nevada Day), the kids and I went to do some trick-or-treating at "The District." I seriously underestimated how many people were going to be there. It was just me with the 3 little ones. I almost turned around, but thought, let's do this - I drove all the way here, I mine as well stick it out.
The kids loved it! It was nice that we didn't have to go out in the street or even knock on any doors. Each store had a person with a basket of candy all ready to go. They all did a good job saying "trick-or-treat" and saying "thank you." They just loved how many treats they were getting. I had told earlier that they could eat as much candy as they wanted on Halloween, but after that, I would get to decide when they got the treats. They took me pretty seriously and ate a bunch of treats.
When we had gone around "The District" we headed back to the car and to our ward trunk-or-treat. They had some dinner there and some games. The kids were pretty sugared out (thank goodness) and the food must have tasted delicious because they ate it super fast. They were pretty tired by then, so we went stopped by 1 house since it was Aunt Krystal's house, then went home.
The best part about this Halloween was that I made one of the costumes (with help from my mother-in-law and sister-in-law, Kimber). Eve wanted to be Rapunzel. I went and looked at the dresses available and either I didn't lioke them, or they were $50! I decided to look on Pinterest and see if someone had a pattern. Well, I found one (not a complete pattern, but at least directions) and I decided to do it. It was a bit harder that I thought, but not as hard once I decided that it was ok if it was not 100% perfect.
While the menfolk were away hunting pheasants, we made Halloween costumes at Grandma Walker's house. It was a busy week, but it got done and looks awesome! Thanks to Jana, Eve had a Rapunzel wig to wear as well. She was the talk of Halloween. Next year (before October), I want to try making more costumes. As long as I give myself enough time, it should be lots of fun! Reed's and Aria's costumes were definitely not made by me, but still super cute - a shark and a bumble bee! Here was just some of our Halloween 2012:
The cuteness called my kids! |
I love how she picked up dress to run to a store. Such a little lady! |
Aria stopping to find a sucker. |
Reed stopping for a pose. :) Not the most ferocious-looking shark, but definitely a cut one! |
Waiting in line |
The stickiest bee ever! |
Reed got too hot for his shark head - yeah, too hot on October 31st! Love the warmth of Vegas. |
The cutest Rapunzel ever! |