June 2012

Friday, December 19, 2008

All Reed wants for Christmas....

Last week I noticed that Reed's two bottom teeth were showing through his gums! I thought, how cool would that be if he got his teeth for Christmas! So, we started singing, "All Reed wants for Christmas are his two bottom teeth" all last weekend with Tyson's parents (who were in town for the weekend). They left really early on Tuesday morning (12/16) and when Reed woke up one of his teeth had broken the skin! On Wednesday his second bottom tooth had also broken the skin! So, Reed really is gettin his two bottom teeth for Christmas - what a present! He won't let me take a picture of his gums...but he has these little spikey teeth on the bottom - and it's fun because he is noticing that something is different on the bottom as well. Since, I don't have any cool photos of his teeth, I thought I would post some fun videos...because what videos aren't fun?!

Recently, Reed has started climbing on everything!!! One of his favorites is the laundry basket! He crawls up to it, climbs it, and then takes out any clothes that may be inside it. I think he is a wonderful help! He is a great sorter :) He also loves his Lincoln Logs and wooden train set. His favorite is taking something out and then dropping it. He also tries to take the ipod out of the speakers -which is always a good time :) It's so much fun! Another one of his favorite things is opening and closing books as you will see in this first video!

More photos are coming, but I thought I would post the videos first and give people, besides myself, a chance to watch them!


Alice said...

Hi :D. Such fun pictures.

Board Game Lovers said...

Make sure you call me! I will be in town until New Years Eve. I can't wait to meet Reed!

Mom said...

Janae, you're right--it's a time warp! I can't believe Reed's already 9 mths! Merry Christmas!

The Black Widow said...

Are you sure Reed's Christmas wish isn't to see his favorite aunt? That is certainly what I am wishing for!

Jen said...

Cute baby, Janae! I'm excited to have found your blog through Kim. Feel free to visit my blog, too! www[dot]jonlund[dot]com/blog