Last week I noticed that Reed's two bottom teeth were showing through his gums! I thought, how cool would that be if he got his teeth for Christmas! So, we started singing, "All Reed wants for Christmas are his two bottom teeth" all last weekend with Tyson's parents (who were in town for the weekend). They left really early on Tuesday morning (12/16) and when Reed woke up one of his teeth had broken the skin! On Wednesday his second bottom tooth had also broken the skin! So, Reed really is gettin his two bottom teeth for Christmas - what a present! He won't let me take a picture of his gums...but he has these little spikey teeth on the bottom - and it's fun because he is noticing that something is different on the bottom as well. Since, I don't have any cool photos of his teeth, I thought I would post some fun videos...because what videos aren't fun?!
Recently, Reed has started climbing on everything!!! One of his favorites is the laundry basket! He crawls up to it, climbs it, and then takes out any clothes that may be inside it. I think he is a wonderful help! He is a great sorter :) He also loves his Lincoln Logs and wooden train set. His favorite is taking something out and then dropping it. He also tries to take the ipod out of the speakers -which is always a good time :) It's so much fun! Another one of his favorite things is opening and closing books as you will see in this first video!
More photos are coming, but I thought I would post the videos first and give people, besides myself, a chance to watch them!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.....
This Christmas tree is simply amazing - so, I must stick my tongue out!
So, I can't believe that it's only 2 weeks until Christmas!!! This year has simply flown by! I remember thinking when Reed was born that I would think he was so old by Christmastime. Yes, it is Christmastime and he is almost 9 months, but I still think he is just my sweet little baby :) It's a time warp....weird.
So, I have put all the Christmas decorations up in our little apartment and Reed is absolutely loving all of the lights and stuff to pull on! He is obsessed with any form of light, be it a candle or christmas light, and bells! We went to the lighting of the lights at the temple the other night and Reed got a bell from a little boy! It has been his favorite toy since that night! He shakes it up and down, laughs, and then sucks on it a little and then shakes it some more! It really is the most wonderful time of the year in that it seems that people tend to be nicer. But, I would say that it is the worst time of the year for the weather. I hate cold weather, and actually, compared to Provo, this winter has not been bad. But, it gets all gloomy outside - which is a bit of a bummer. That is why I am glad that I have my Christmas lights to cheer me up!
We also have a Christmas calendar (homemade by Grandma Walker) that is awesome! Everyday we get to open a pocket and pin it on to the Christmas tree on the calendar or put it by the stable on the calendar. So, we also have cute neighbors with 3 cute little kids. I thought it would be fun if they got to open up some of the pockets. So, during the week, they come over after preschool and the little boy and girl (we figured the baby who is 3 months is a little young to do it) take turns opening up a pocket! I am not sure who gets more excited - them or me! But, it's a lot of fun :) They also love Reed and come and play with him whenever they come over! It's great to have neighbor friends!
Recently we have done some pretty cool stuff (most are showin in pictures) - here are the highlights:
We saw Reed Walker's house (Reed's namesake)
We saw the temply lights be turned on
I made a live wreath
Reed is getting into everything now that he can pull himself up a little bit! His favorite is under the bathroom sink!
Reed's first encounter with Santa Claus!
For Thanksgiving we went to my bro and sister-in-law's house in Richmond. They are such a fun family and have 7 kids!!!! It was a noisy and fun Thanksgiving day!!! We all ate entirely too much food - turkey, stuffing, potatoes, gravy, sweet potatoes, green gravy, rolls, green bean casserole, and probably more things that I am forgetting - and then loaded up on sugar - always a good thing :) I forgot to take pictures of the meal, but I did get some other pictures from that weekend. We had root beer floats and even helped in a service project - raking leaves for some old people in their ward. I love to see how they bring their whole family to service projects. Even their 3-year-old, Josh, was helping pick up leaves! He definitely is earning his keep :) Anyways, I loved it! Random - Brandon and Kim invited some people over to eat with us and they just happened to know Jen Nuckols who was my first mission companion in the field!!! It is such a small world - I can't get over it! I love Thanksgiving! :)
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