This year was our turn with Grandma and Grandpa Walker for Christmas. On Christmas Eve we did a lot of playing with aunts, uncles, and cousins and did our round of caroling. Most of the families live in our old ward (past home teaching families and such of Grandma and Grandpa) so we added in 2 other families to the list (Gibson family and Eve's nursery leaders) since they lived so close. I always love caroling and plan on having a completely new set of people to carol to next year. I am even going to make Tyson sing with me. :)
After caroling we came to the Grandma and Grandpa's and had Chinese food for dinner. Then, we re-enacted the Nativity scene. Unfortunately, no pictures, but the kids did great! Eve was Mary (easy choice since she is the oldest girl) and Vance was Joseph. Aria and Kade were sheep/shepherds along with Tyson. I was part of the wiseperson crew of Reed, Carter, and myself. Natalie, Kylie, and Mackenzi were angels. This is one of my favorite Christmas traditions. My kids are almost big enough were we could do it with just our family!
After that, the kids each got their pjs from Grandma, plus everyone got to open a present. Then, the hot chocolate in the Santa mugs. Phew - yes, we pack a lot in to one evening. Then, we headed back home so the kids could go to sleep so that Santa could come.
Christmas morning was especially great because no one got up early! Yahoo for kids who like to sleep in past 7 :) We even had to wake Aria up at around 8 (the others got up just past 7:30) so that we could go down the stairs and see if Santa had come. Here they are anxiously waiting (Tyson is just as excited!).
Christmas morning! |
We spent the next while opening presents and seeing what everyone got. Grandma and Grandpa came over with their presents as well - bikes for Reed and Eve and a little car (you know the red and yellow ones) for Aria. It was great! The kids loved all their presents, especially Aria. She got so excited for every present - it was cute to watch.
Flashlights were a hit this year! Everyone loved them! |
Aria's favorite part was ripping the paper. |
Eve has a great cheesy smile. |
Yeah for Dora chapstick. |
Aria looking at one of her books. |
Eve was so excited to get Rapunzel and Maximus! |
Aria loved her train. |
Her puppy was her favorite gift, though. It barks and even walks a few steps! |
Reed was so excited to get a green light saber! |
After the presents were done, daddy made cashnitas (no idea how to spell it) which is a piece of toast with egg and cheese melted on the top. Then, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house for more food, and to open the presents from them to our family. We were given some shelving for our garage! They even helped us put it up the next day (what service).
We spent the rest of the day there, playing games and hanging out. Jared and Beckie had to leave on Christmas, so we stayed until they left. They actually had to come back because of some car trouble, but were able to get on the road a little later that night.
The day after Christmas we got our shelves up and the kids tested our their bikes for the first time! Reed was pretty much a pro as soon as he got on (he has practiced with his trike). Eve was a little more skeptical, but likes it, as long as she is going slow. We spent much of the afternoon riding bikes and watching daddy and Grandpa put the shelves up. Good fun!
Speeding by |
Slow and steady |
Reed loves to pose for pictures. |