On March 14, 2012 my little boy turned 4! I cannot believe that he is so big. I understand why people always say that time flies - it certainly seems to in my life. Sadly, on his birthday Reed had a mouth full of cold sores and red, swollen gums! Ouch! Also, he was getting over a huge bruise in the middle of his forehead, so his head is a light shade of green. Needles to say, he was not eating much because everything hurt. But, he stayed in pretty good spirits for most of the day.
He was super excited to open his presents from us and from his grandparents. He even got to choose what he wanted to eat - he wanted Lightning McQueen mac and cheese. The only Lightning McQueen kind I could find was the easy mac kind. So, I bought one of those for Reed and ended up with some non-Lightning McQueen mac and cheese for daddy, Grandma Rowberry, and Eve.
The day was spent going to preschool (always a plus for Reed), opening presents, making cupcakes, talking to Grandma and Grandpa Walker (and cousins and aunts) on Skype, and playing with Grandma Rowberry when she arrived after work. It ended up being a pretty fun day. I still feel bad about his mouth, but there was nothing that could be done about it. I even went to the doctor to see if we could give him anything, and he said there wasn't. I did get some kids acidophilus that I mixed into chocolate milk. That went over well because chocolate milk is a special treat at our house.
I still marvel that I have a 4-year-old child. For part of me it seems completely normal, but the other part if completely amazed. I guess kids do grow up. It just seems like it happens all at once. He is a little man now. No longer a toddler - Reed is a little boy. He has opinions, likes/dislikes, friends, and loves to do almost anything. He particularly loves running and is a good big brother. He teaches me a lot about myself and how to be a mom. He truly strives on schedules. He loves to know when we are doing what. He loves to read with me, practice his letters and numbers, and, of course, play with his friends. I love my little man! I could not have asked for a better first child. We are learning from each other.
Happy birthday Reed! I love you :)
The 'trying to be excited when I don't feel good' birthday boy showing off his Lightning McQueen shirt. |
Attempt at a big smile |
Opening presents
I found a bag of CARS cars on craigslist. Reed was so excited!
It even came with a MAC truck.
A Thomas shirt was one thing he asked for . |
His presents were wrapped in newspaper. |
He loved running through his balloons. |
Putting together his spaceship puzzle |
I made him a little birthday sign. He is also showing off his dinosaur hoodie. |
A bare wall (since we were in full-on pack mode) with only one little sign on it. |
He did gulp down the Lightning McQueen mac and cheese (thankfully, because he hadn't eaten very much in the past few days). |