September 3rd was Labor Day, so Tyson had it off. Yahoo! We went shooting with Adam, Kimber, Grandpa Walker, Grandma Walker, Jared, Beckie, and the kids (of course). Then we went back to the Walker's to see the wedding pictures, swim, and just hang out before Jared and Beckie headed back to L.A. It was a fun and relaxing day.
September 4, 2012 I turned 30! I am still kind of shocked that I am already 30. wasn't I just in high school going to all those A.P. classes and singing my heart out in choir? These past 12 years have gone so quickly, it's hard to believe that they have already passed. Now my life goes by even quicker with 3 little kids to take care of. Amazing. Anyways, yes, I turned 30 and hopefully my 30's will be completely awesome! So far they have been great :)
I was still on the no dairy and no soy diet, so I made my own cake, but I do love baking, so it didn't bother me in the least. I received some beautiful gifts: a necklace and gift card from my parents, a kindle (yahoo!) and pepper grinder (something I have been talking about) from Tyson, a skirt and necklace from Shauntelle, and pampered chef stuff (the classic mixing bowl, decorating tube and tips, and the micro scraper) from Tyson's parents. It was a good time :) Happy birthday to me!
We didn't have a 39, so we used our 28 plus 2 more candles. |
I love Reed's face as I open my presents! |
Some sad news: My Uncle Jerry Stevens passed away September 5, 2012. It was definitely one of those bitter sweet passings for everyone. I did not get to spend much time with him since we never lived in the same place. But, the times I did get to spend with him at family reunions were awesome. He was a super hard-working man and definitely loved his family.
I decided to fly to Mesa on Friday, September 7th, to be able to attend the funeral on September 8th. It was a short trip for Aria and me. There was was drama when I thought I had lost my cell phone and had no phone numbers written down. But, I ended up finding my cell phone (I still don't know how it ended up on the bottom of my bag) after arriving in Mesa. Phew!
I was able to stay with my Aunt Miriam and Uncle Chief (thank you!) and then we drove to the funeral on Saturday in St. Johns, AZ. My parents and brother Justin were also able to come to the funeral, along with all of my Mom's siblings and spouses. It was nice to see everyone. It's hard to keep up with everyone when there is such a big family (11 siblings + 10 spouses + 60 cousins + their spouses + cousins' kids), so it was nice to get a quick update on a lot of people.
The funeral was nice - not super long, but definitely to the point. I am so glad that I was able to go. At least Uncle Jerry is in a better and more peaceful place.
The coffin |
Mom, Aria, Me |
The original 11 (there were 5 kids from my grandpa and 4 from my step-grandma (although I always thought of her as my grandma), then 2 more kids after the two got married) |
Age order - Uncle Jerry was married to Aunt Kathy (the one on the chair) |
Siblings and spouses |
Sunday I got to go to church with one of my good friends from VA who moved to AZ about a month after we moved to NV! Even though the visit was short, it was great to be able to see Jana, Joe, and kids. After the visit, Jana brought me back to my Aunt and Uncle's house where we chatted with my parents and some of my aunts and uncles until I had to go to the airport. Then it was back to Las Vegas. My trip was short, but it was worth it. The older I get, the more and more I appreciate all the support I receive from my family and friends.