Friday, January 30, 2009
Change in Background...
Tyson, the change in background was for you. When he saw the blog a couple days ago, he kind of just said, "Whoa!" I knew that meant it was a lot of pink. I must admit, I am a sucker for the color pink - it was one of my wedding colors :) I also love Valentine's Day - I even loved it when I was single and did not have a date. So, to still try and keep a more Valentine's Day theme, but get rid of all the pink, I changed the background to this. Hope you like it Tys!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
So, it's been over a month...
So, I am such a lame blogger! I promise I will do better. Lots of things have been happening, I promise! You will see most everything in the upcoming pictures, but there is one bit of news not in picture form. I started teaching piano lessons! We have my parents piano in our apartment. I had talk to someone a couple months ago about possibly teaching her daughter and had forgotten about it. Then, she called me at the beginning of this month and said her daughter wanted to start taking lessons! So, I let other people know and I have 6 students! It's been pretty fun so far :) I also like being able to do it out of my apartment - it's just so convenient! I might also teach a few people voice lessons - depending. So, yeah, I am excited! But, now for all the fun pictures and updates....... enjoy!
In mid-December Tyson's parents came to visit us in DC. Grandma was preparing Reed for when we flew to Las Vegas for Christmas. She wanted Reed to recognize her - it worked like a charm!
We went to see the National Christmas Tree (something I did not even know existed until this Christmas)! It was actually really cool! All around the tree are small trees with each state and territory represented. Of course, we had to stand by Nevada. There were mostly handmade ornaments on the smaller trees. We thought that it would be cool if kids from Las Vegas got to decorate the tree, but no such luck - the Reno kids got to do it.
Daddy showing Reed the trains going around the Christmas tree.
Reed loved the National Christmas Tree! He just kept staring at all the lights.
One of the coolest part of the whole thing was that the National Christmas Tree had a whole bunch of train sets traveling around it. They even had little villages! We love trains :)
Reed was a trooper when we got on the metro to go to the American History Museum - it was pretty cold outside, but he did good :)
Reed really loved this train - he just wanted to touch everything!

This was one of Reed's favorites - the train - it was this whole section on planes, trains, and automobiles :) :)
We went to the temple grounds to see all of the beautiful Christmas trees and the lights!
Aren't the lights just beautiful?!
If you look closely, you can see Reed's little stubs - but now, they are grown in - much easier to see.
This is me on December 20th running my first-ever 5k! Looking back, there are a few things I would have done differently, but it was my first race, not too shabby.
I finished in 29 minutes and 13 seconds - a qualifying time for the half-marathon I am running on March 21st! I had to do it 31 minutes - minutes to spare :)
My bro, Ryan, ran it as well. He did finish before me, but was extremely sore the next day, and I was not :)
It was pretty cold out, so I sported gloves and something for my ears!
Reed loves his dump truck! It is so much fun to ride around in!!!
Reed also enjoys his lincoln logs - mostly he pulls them out and throws them on the ground or knocks over what Daddy builds :)
Reed also loves getting into as much as possible as quickly as possible! I swear, he pulled those drawers out in about 10 seconds and was so pleased with himself. The drawers have since been removed from the table!
We had two Christmases since we spent Christmas day in Las Vegas. So, here is Reed opening up some of his presents in VA on the night of the 23rd with Grandma and Grandpa Rowberry! His favorite was chewing on the paper.
Reed loved all of the attention of Daddy, Momm, Grandma and Grandpa while he opened presents. Merry Christmas!
Our friends James and Amy had a little baby boy, Caleb, on December 4th! He is such a sweetie! We got to see him Christmas eve morning before flying to Las Vegas since James drove us to the airport! Thanks Bloomer :) We love our Daddys!
Reed with his new friend, Caleb :)
John and Tifani were Shepherds, I was the angel
Reed was a sheep/shepherd for the Nativity
Vance was Joseph (since Kimber was about 9 months pregnant, we thought it fitting!)
Matching pajamas! Yahoo!!! - They did not want to take the picture.

Grandma Walker opening up her juicer and Reed trying to help!
Reed and Vance in their matching pjs from Grandma Walker! How cute!!!
Reed always found something to play with on the tree! Just a curious little boy :)
Going to Kimber and Adam's house to watch them open their presents
A tradition for the Walker grandboys is to get a pair of boots on their first Christmas! They are a little big, but Reed loves them!
Tyson opening the Harry Potter book series :) I am currently on book three of the series (I decided to read all of them over again)!
Reed had a lot of fun tearing the paper -even though he didn't quite get what was going on.
Later on Christmas day, we had a nice dinner. No pictures were taken at the dinner (whoops), but this is us in a little bit nicer attire than our pjs!
Of course, Reed found the smallest thing possibly on the ground to play with and try and swallow!
Vance and Reed in matching outfits from Aunt Tifani! At least Reed will have some cool clothes :) Thanks Tif!
They even have matching shoes! Sweet :)
Welcome 2009! What better way to do it than burning the street!!!!
On January 3rd, I decided that it was time for Reed's first hair cut! His hair was getting shabby and I just thought it would be fun it his hair was short enough to spike a little bit - here are some before pictures! He looks so happy!

Again, he is looking happy just prior to his hair cut.......
Not so happy during the hair cut! Poor baby!!!
As if to say, "What are you doing to me????!!!!"
The post hair cut picture! It doesn't look half bad and Reed finally calmed down :)
Two weeks ago, Reed and I went to the Natural History Museum. Reed kept staring at this whale, so I had to take a picture! It was pretty sweet - you can't tell from the picture, but it was up really high - I took the picture from the second level of the museum!
Our favorite exhibit at the museum was the butterfly room. It is amazing! All types of butterflies and moths are flying around this room. They keep it super warm and humid in there...thus, the picture is a bit blurry. My favorite is that butterflies just come and land on you! I had one land on my head and another on my shirt! Reed kept moving his head back and forth to watch all the butterflies flying from flowers, to bushes, to fruit!
Reed was a trooper sitting in his stroller on the metro ride to DC and then all throughout the museum!
The famous elephant rotunda! I always think of the Natural History Museum when I see this picture! This guy is huge! Reed could not help but stare.

Reed's new favorite animal is this giant duck that my mom gave me when I graduated from high school. Hughbee (Danni - is that how you spell it) has been on all of my beds except on my mission. So, I delighted when Reed started liking him! Now, he crawls up to him and cuddles with him! I just love this picture - it took many other shots before I got the perfect one :)
Reed playing with his new favorite pal :)
In mid-December Tyson's parents came to visit us in DC. Grandma was preparing Reed for when we flew to Las Vegas for Christmas. She wanted Reed to recognize her - it worked like a charm!
This was one of Reed's favorites - the train - it was this whole section on planes, trains, and automobiles :) :)
Again, he is looking happy just prior to his hair cut.......
Reed's new favorite animal is this giant duck that my mom gave me when I graduated from high school. Hughbee (Danni - is that how you spell it) has been on all of my beds except on my mission. So, I delighted when Reed started liking him! Now, he crawls up to him and cuddles with him! I just love this picture - it took many other shots before I got the perfect one :)
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