So, I know that my blogging has been slacking lately..... I'm sorry for those of you who were waiting anxiously every single day! But, a new post is here! Hooray and huzzah (I rent from Redbox, can you tell?!)!!!!!! :) Well, just to let you know, I have been busy the last little bit. I was not just slacking. First off, Tyson broke the screen to my lap top and had to take his lap top to school and study for the CPA exam and I was left without a lap top during the days I was home. Plus, I had gone back to work Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at my old job. Plus, we were getting ready to move to Washington, DC. Anyways, those are my excuses for being a bad blogger. But, we have arrived in Washington, DC!!!! Yahoo!!! We have been looking feverishly for about 2 weeks for an apartment and finally found one that we want last night! So, we move in on September 13th, if all goes well. So, here are some adorable pictures of Reed! They are in no particular order because I always forget to put them in reverse order and stuff. But, I will try and date them so that you can see how big he has gotten! He is such an amazing kid and just fabulous! I really have no complaints J I love being Reed’s mom!

Grandma Walker did hand and foot prints of Reed. We scrubbed and scrubbed, but couldn't get all the ink off for a few days! Sorry Reed! Taken August 9th

Reed fell asleep in his jogging stroller after a stroll around DC! Taken August 14th
I just liked how he was showing off his belly! Taken August 14th
Reed posing on Grandma Rowberry's couch! He could be a model :) Taken August 26th
How do kids get so dang cute?! My adorable little boy! Taken August 26th

Reed loves reading! Clifford is his favorite :) Reading time with daddy - Yahoo! Taken July 28th
This is our little family! I didn't realize it at the time, but we are wearing red, white, and blue! How patriotic! Taken July 29th
Reed in Grandma Walker's pool! Yeah for swimming! Taken August 1st
Reed with Shauntelle's two girls - Evyn and Mary! Taken August 1st
Evyn and Reed are 6 months apart and have matching car seats! How cute! Taken August 1st

We had a mission reunion with my second mission president and his wife (Presidente and Sister Geschwandtner). From left to right: Sister G, Me and Reed, Alisha, Stacey and Jules, and Presidente G! It was great fun! Taken July 19th
Sleeping babies are just so cute! He is getting to be a little chublet :) Taken July 22nd
One of Reed's first experiences with baby food - he loves his carrots :) Taken July 25th

We went to visit my Grandma Dalling (well, Rowberry, but she re-married when my Grandpa, Dalling) Taken July 26th
My Grandma and Grandpa Dalling with me and Reed! Taken July 26th

I love those close-up shots of babies, if you couldn't tell! Taken July 7th
Although I am not huge fan of grown-up feet, I love baby feet :) Taken July 7th
I love the bath towels with hoods - this is one of my favorites - the lion towel! Taken July 10th
Reed's first taste of baby cereal! It went pretty well :) Taken July 18th
This is one of Reed's favorite toys! The thing that was so cute to me was that he pulled in his duck and put him arm around him! So cute :) Taken July 18th

Reed in the baby bath for one of the last times! He is getting so big! Taken June 27th
I love Reed in his little backwards hat! He looks pretty smooth :) Taken July 4th
Tyson trying to imitate Reed's expression - pretty good, huh? Taken July 5th
Just a beautiful picture. No explanation needed. Taken July 7th
Another one of those amazing shots! Taken July 7th

This was Father's Day! Tifani brought back matching Father/Son ties from Scotland! Thanks Aunt Tif :) Taken June 15th
I found the trick to getting Reed to smile in pictures - take him outside so the flash doesn't go off! I think he seriously has one of the most beautiful smiles :) I could be a little biased! Taken June 16th

Another smiling photo - I couldn't resist! Taken June 16th
Reed with his Walker cousins - Mackenzi and Vance! Cousin fun :) Taken June 21st
Another four generation photo: Great-Grandma Walker, Grandpa Walker, Dad, Reed! Taken June 21st

This was one of the first times that it was warm enough to just be outside for an extended period of time. Reed absolutely loved it! He stared at the trees for an hour! Taken June 13th
So cute! I love my baby! Taken June 13th
He should be one of those baby models :) Taken June 13th
My brother, Michael (holding Reed), his wife, Sarah, my brother, Justin, Tyson, Reed, and myself at a Thai restaurant in SLC! Taken June 13th
Reed is such a happy baby! One of his favorite things is to be outside under the trees :) Just another one of those amazing days :) Taken June 14th

I know that this picture is fuzzy, but it was just so cute, I had to put it on! Taken May 25th

This is Tyson's Grandma Walker, the first time she met Reed. Taken May 31st

This is Tyson's Grandpa Zobrist, Tyson's mom, Tyson, and Reed! Four generation photo!
Taken May 31st

Reed would make this face all the time! We finally got a good picture of him doing it! Then, we made a Wii character that looks exactly like him! The cute little bug :) Taken June 7th