September certainly had its ups and downs. There was a lot of playing when Tyson was home from work and then some really hard days when he went back to work. So, let's start with when he was still home.
September 5th - Aria just chillin in her bouncy chair. I know it's a bit fuzzy, but I just thought it was typical Aria.
September 6th - They had a 9/11 exhibit at the American History Museum that was only going to be there for a little over a week. We decided that we should go and check it out. It was quite amazing and humbling. I can't believe that it's been 10 years. I still remember where I was when I saw what was happening in NY (waiting for my Isaiah class to start at BYU). I also still remember being worried for my brother and his family who lived in the Bronx while he was attending medical. I also remember him saying they got out of their classes and were sent straight to the hospital to help wounded people that would be coming, but after waiting and waiting, no one came. That is an extremely sobering thought.
We also checked out the American flag (a favorite), Kermit, the ruby slippers, and the transportation section (kids' favorite).
Outing with all 3 kidlings! |
Aria was mostly asleep, but had a few conscious moments. |
Some of the things they had on display. It was quite amazing what things survived - a briefcase (completely flat), bits of metal all squished together, someone's pocket book. |
September 12th - Tyson went back to work :( I felt completely overwhelmed after he left, mostly due to the fact that Aria had a rough night and I did not get nearly as much sleep as normal (I don't get very many hours in a row anyway). Yes, I cried a little bit. But, Reed got to go back to his co-op preschool that we do with 5 other moms in the ward. He was so excited! Eve, Aria, and I dropped him off and Eve cried when he got out of the car and she couldn't go with him. Reed is definitely her best friend. :) We went home after dropping Reed off and played with Aria. Here are just some of the things Aria does with her day:
Crying - never fun, but does happen |
Reading time = play time (she loves all the bright colors) |
Looking cute |
Intently staring |
I think this is her excited face :) |
September 12th and 14th - Reed now goes to preschool two days a week. Here are some of the fun things he did!
Some of the worksheets Reed did at preschool |
We have decided to incorporate tracing/learning number, letters, and shapes into all our lessons. |
He loved the caterpillar and talked about how they are circles. Yes, I forgot to turn the picture and don't want to do it now. |
September 15th - Aria really does enjoy her bath time besides the entering and leaving parts. She loves being in the water. She also started getting bumps on her face. I was a little concerned, but realized it was probably a mix of sensitive skin and needing to be wiped off with just water more frequently. The bumps quickly disappeared.
September 15th - This is what Eve does during Aria's bath time! She LOVES the water as well. I usually have to change her at least once a day because her shirt is soaking wet. She will even sneak into the bathroom, shut the door, and play in the sink! Sneaky little miss!
September 18th - Matching! The girls wore their first set of matching dresses to church! It was so cute! This could be dangerous for me.
Eve trying to hold Aria up. |
The best shot we could get. |
There have been a few days when Aria has been super fussy. I was hoping it was just due to her not liking broccoli (which does give her gas) or something like that. But, deep down I knew that dairy was the major culprit. She has mucusy stool, but I hoped it would just go away. Well, it didn't. September 19th (Monday) I found a trace of blood in her stool. :( I didn't even have to call the doctor. I already knew what I had to do. With a heavy heart, I have given up dairy again. Let's hope it is just dairy. Time shall tell.
September 20th was a horrible day! There were points of the day when all 3 kids were crying and I wasn't doing much better. Aria screamed what felt like the entire day. I am just not used to that. Both of my other kids were not really screamers. She also was not nursing very well at all and spitting up more than normal. But, I discovered a rash that covered her entire stomach and back that afternoon. I quickly gave her a bath, hoping that would help. But, on Wednesday, it had not really gotten any better and I was worried. I just wanted to know that I was doing all that I could to help her. So, I took her into the doctor. Turns out it was some sort of viral rash and there was nothing I could do about it, but I was told it would be gone in 2-3 days. That made me feel a bit better. It spread to her neck and a little on her hands by Wednesday afternoon. Then on Thursday (21st) it spread to her face and her arms. As vain as this was, I desperately wanted it to be gone from her face before Sunday because she was being blessed. I just didn't want this rash all over her face in all the pictures. Yes, that made me cry a little bit - I am a bit more emotional than normal when I first have babies. But, by Friday, the rash was almost completely gone from her entire body and was completely gone on Saturday! Phew - one rash down, many more to go!
September 21st also marked Reed's first day of soccer! He goes once a week and learns how to kick the soccer ball, run, and just have fun. He and his friend, Brooks, are in it together. Reed had a pretty good first half of the class, but by the second half he wanted to go home (mostly because it is something new with kids he didn't know besides Brooks). I told him he didn't have to participate, but did have to stay until the end of the class. He ran and sat at the top of the grassy hill for the rest of the class. I know it's just a transition thing with him. New is tough, especially when he is naturally reserved and only 3. Getting him to the car after class was an ultimate disaster (we had parked far away from where the class was because I didn't realize it was outside and parked closer to the recreation center). He had wanted to go home so badly, but as soon as everyone else left, he refused to go home! Reed had to be carried most of the way because he would not come, Eve was screaming, and all this commotion woke up Aria. I wish I had more arms. It took us 40 minutes to walk to the car. It should have taken probably 3-4 minutes. Needless to say, it was frustrating. Oddly enough - after all that - when Reed calmed down, he told me how much he liked doing soccer with Brooks! So, the second week of Tyson being at work was not a picnic. But, we survived and that is my best on some days.
The transition from 2 to 3 has been a lot harder for me than from 1 to 2. I mostly think that it is because Aria screams more than the other 2 did put together. Half is her tummy issues, which is understandable and the other hald is being 'loved' by her siblings that just becomes too much for her, also understandable. It seems to be getting better, though. Since the dairy is out of my system, she seems to be a lot more content, like Reed and Eve were as babies. Hopefully, it continues this way!