June 2012

Friday, February 26, 2010

2 Month Check-up

Eve had her (can you believe it) 2 month check up a few days ago! Everything seems to be normal and fine. She has taken after her older brother - gaining lots of weight even though she eats in less than 10 minutes! It always makes me a bit nervous at the beginning because they eat so fast. Then, however, I begin to see the cheeks and thighs getting bigger, and I know that they are growing just fine.

Eve, like Reed, has gained about 10 ounces a week! That puts her at 11 pounds! She has gained 5 pounds since she was born. Seriously?! What happened to my little 6-pound infant? Nope, she is definitely a baby now. So here are the stats on little (but getting bigger) Eve:

Weight - 11 lbs., 50%
Height - 23 in., 75%
Head - 15 1/8 in. , 50%

Yep, that's right - I have a tall girlie! Yahoo!!!! I hope that she stays that way. My hope is that all of my children will be taller than me. It's not hard to beat, since I am 5 foot 4 inches, but one of my grandma's is slightly under 5 feet, so you never know! We are hoping all of our kids get the tall genes on both sides.

Sort of related, since it is about Eve, is just a random question to the moms out there. Did you have a baby that was SO MUCH SLEEPIER than others? Eve has been so sleepy since birth. I know she has done tons of growing, so that is understandable. But, she always seems to be more sleepy when it is cold outside - ok, colder than normal winter cold. I mean, I know she is fine and is just sleepy, but seriously....she is so sleepy today! Usually, she can make it about 2 hours at a time during the day, but this morning she barely made it 1 1/2 hours and after her morning nap she barely made it an hour before falling into this super deep sleep. Weird.....I know I should not complain, but it is just weird to me. I guess I only have Reed to compare her to. He was up for 2 hours at a time and napped at certain times every day without me trying to keep him awake too many times. Anyways, just wondering.

A lot of people say that Eve looks so much like Reed. I think they look like siblings, for sure, but exactly alike? I don't see it. I guess I see all the differences since I saw both of them as infants. What do you think? Here are some pictures of the little lady :) Enjoy!

Sleeping, of course

All bundled up and ready to go outside with mom and Reed

I think everything in this picture is cute - the blanket (thanks - Great-Aunt Lori), Eve, and the thing she is wearing (I don't know the appropriate name for it - coat? snow suit?) (our neighbors gave it to us - thanks Mike and Peggy!)

This is an Eve look - love the chunky cheeks!

Not her best smile, but here is a small smile

Beautiful baby

Profile - double chin and all

This is her worried face. She seems to look like this when Reed comes around to "play" with her and give her loves. Poor baby....she knows that she probably will get at least a little squished.

There's that tongue.....

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Eve has, thus far, been a great, all be it, sleepy baby. Besides sleeping, she enjoys a whole host of different activities! She loves eats super fast, burping various times through out the day, and loves having her diaper changed what seems like a million times per day (wel, maybe not loves it, but she doesn't mind diaper changes, so that is a plus). She also really loves smiling, cooing, aaahhhing, and playing with her tongue. She has become quite a talkative little baby - foreshadowing of what is to come! Her most recent favorite activity is finding her fingers and trying to get them into her mouth. She is simply fascinated by it! She has laughed a few times (usually when she is almost asleep) and loves to be around people.

She is growing like a weed! She has outgrown her newborn clothes and even a few of her 0-3 months shirts. She is fitting nicely into her 0-3 months clothes, besides the pants. Both of my babies (and a lot of other babies I know) have this thing where they have longer torsos than legs, so the outfits don't really fit at the same time. Ah well. Eve actually seems to have a little bit longer legs, so she can pull off the 0-3 months pants, but they are still big on her. Ah well.....

I love this little baby! It is hard to think that she will be 2 months this week! One of the things I love the most is when she stares at me with her deep blue eyes and smiles at me! I have not been able to take a good picture of her smile yet, but it will be coming. Don't worry :) Here is beautiful Eve Sarai!

Sleeping, of course

Bath time is another favorite, except the getting out part...

This is a classic Eve look.....just staring, completely content

Love the double chin!

Reed was getting a bit jealous of all the pictures of Eve, so I took one of him as well.

She has found her fingers!

Reed kissing Eve's hand....how sweet!

Big yawn...

I don't remember what she was focusing on, but focusing on something

Tongue out in pursuit of fingers.

Look at the cheeks...I love them!

Just trying to figure out what's going on.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February Snow

Welcome to the snowiest winter in DC history!!!! Apparently, it is not done, either. We got snow again yesterday and there may be some more snow this Friday (but nothing big....so, they say). I am not sure what the exact amount is, but it is over 55 inches for the 2009-2010 winter season. I am still shocked! The previous record was just over 54 inches in the 1898-1899 winter season.

Some people say, "Isn't cool that you can say you were there for the snowiest winter ever?!" I respond, "No. I did not move to DC because of the snow, but rather the opposite - mild winters like last year."

Yeah, I just wish the snow would be done. The problem is that there is no where to put all of this snow. Because there are huge piles everywhere it is going to take an extremely long time for it to all melt. Ah well....at least the sun is finally shining again. The roads are much better now, but man, there is just so much snow!

I do have to give another shout out to the workers at our apartment complex. They have done an excellent job cleaning up our streets and moving snow out of the empty parking spots and into a huge mound where the car wash area used to be. I just feel bad because the bobcats they were using had no glass to protect them from the cold! I hope they are all ok! I am just grateful that they are so diligent at their job! THANK YOU!

Well, hopefully the next picture of outside will have a little less snow. Reed, however, loves going out in the snow daily. He loves sticking his fingers in it, making a little ball, and then throwing it on the ground so I can stomp on it. Then, he giggles the cutest giggle ever. Ah, the little pleasures in life!

Here are the pictures taken on February 3, 2010 and February 6, 2010. Enjoy! Don't get too cold looking at them :)

February 3, 2010

Look at the beautiful snow on the trees

The beginning of February 6, 2010

Still snowing.....

The picnic table behind our apartment.

He doesn't know what to think this time.

Tyson's truck

Reed was actually a little unsure this time because the snow was almost as tall as him in places where the snow had been shoveled from the sidewalk to the grass.

Look how the trees are sagging!

The street we have to get on to leave our apartment...yeah, no one drove for a while!

My car

When the snow finally stopped, behind our apartment looked like this!

Behind our apartment...it still looks almost the same today (except it is sunny today)

I still can't believe that is a picnic table!

Seriously.....so much snow!

Behind our apartment

Friday, February 12, 2010

More January

January has been such an interesting month. Here are some other exciting happenings in the Walker home!

Reed discovered my breast pump and wanted to be like mommy. Apparently he thinks that milk comes out of his belly button. It made me laugh so hard! He even knew that you attached a bottle for the milk. Observant! This is one of those pictures to show his future wife :) He he he....

Just chillin'

"Hmmm, what should I do next?"

Reed found a new love for reading books on our bed. He requests it frequently.

He gets under Tyson's blanket and looks through tons of his books.

This is the outfit she came home from the hospital in! I can't believe it! She is now too long for it.

Look at those eyes......stunning :)

"Hey, big bro!"

Kisses and loves for Eve

"Mom, I am being soft.......promise"

The back ruffle....gotta love it!

Reed took this picture himself!

Tummy time is always fun :)

The end of January snow storm.....will it ever stop?

Reed has a great time, until he got cold

He even helped daddy make snowballs

And he loved putting his fingers in the snow with his gloves on (he was really amazed with his gloves and claps every time he puts them on)

Here is Reed walking in his daddy's shoes - literally :)

Playing in the snow